Friday 9 April 2021

Response to text

 Kate Sheppard - A Woman On A Mission

Kate Sheppard was a New Zealand activist, and one of the most 

important figures in our history. 

She was a leader in the struggle to make New Zealand the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote.

  1. When and where was Kate Sheppard born?

Liverpool England

  1. How old was Sheppard when she moved to New Zealand?


  1. What was something that Sheppard believed women should actively be able to do?


  1. What does NCW stand for?

National council of women 

  1. What were 3 actions that Sheppard took as leader of the NCW to get women their right to vote? 

    1.  Because their weak

    2.  They are nice 

    3.  harmless

  1.  What do you think was her greatest achievement?getting the right to vote 

  1. Why do you think this was so important?

She is our greatest women to be brave 

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